Working With Wifey and Child

Some of the best months of my life were when Wifey and I worked together at the company. Times were hard, and we were lucky to have employment. She'd make me sugar-and-wilted vegetable sandwiches, or sometimes we'd go out for lunch. We'd pass abandoned buildings and cars, or disaffected people talking to themselves as they tottered down the street. But we still had our convertible and it was nice to get away from our desks for awhile.
I remember once when Wifey had our daughter B.A.R.O.P.S in tow. We named her that because it was an acronym for a project we were both significantly involved with at the company. She had her little blue bonnet on and was looking over Wifey's shoulder at some meat we had purchased. A lot of the time she was with Ma-nonna, my mother-in-law, so I frequently forgot we even had a child. Still, she seemed happy and I was thankful for that.
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