Pay attention, Dammit!

I want to know the price of my soul.
I want to brood for hours, writing angry words into a black notebook.
I want to lie hallucinating in the desert, suspended like an insect entombed in amber.
I want to be whispered about at a party. Did he or didn't he?
I want to enter the monastic life and then go out for a beer and never return.
I want to give a tearful acceptance speech that will be shown on national television.
I want to pensively peer from the window of a sprawling mansion.
I want to come out of nowhere.
I want to drive a wide receiver into the turf.
I want to be woken up in the gutter.
I want to be hustled into a waiting limousine.
I want to cross the campus in a tweed coat and a weatherbeaten satchel.
I want my life's work to be hotly debated.
I want to scream at the talent.
I want to fake my own death.
I want to be told that "you'll never gonna make it out of this town!"
I want to be commodified and sold for millions.
I want to crash into the wall.
Stefush – Don’t you know as a Liberal it is never suppose to be about what “I want” - think you are slipping more and more over to the dark side.
SS - Liberals want many things. Things I don't want:
1. sillyass yellow Support The Troops bumperstickers on the back of an SUV.
2. a Ditto mug.
3. to use the word "spread freedom" in normal conversation.
4. Texas feeling it can't be "messed with" - whatever that means.
5. Yale admitting any more C- student politicians.
6. another single cent spent on killing Iraqis at the expense of teaching our children, keeping them healthy or giving their parents decent wages.
However, having said this, if you put up another Meow Kitten-style pic on your site, I will admit Ann Coulter is sexy (insane, ranting women wearing black leather get me hot).
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