Questions That Have No Answers

As I continue to look for work, I find myself ruminating about things that mean nothing. But they arise in the mind of those of us underemployed and looking for meaning. Such as:
1. Why do people on talk shows scream so enthusiastically for anything put in front of them? Pee wee footballers dressed up like the Philadelphia Eagles, summer interns who can't play guitar, how Cate Blanchett pronounces her last name. It's all incredible to them. Of course, I cannot claim any incredulity, for the only reason I konw this is that I continue to watch these shows. Is there a difference between forced enthusiasm for talk show fodder and someone unemployed who tunes in anyway?
2. Why do they have horrible commercials like ads for meds dealing with post-menopausal osteoporosis on at 11 am? That just sounds nasty. "Hi there! Your child-bearing years are behind you now, and we're worried your skeleton will collapse. Here, take these!"
3. Is it good to watch talk shows at all? They kind of change you in bad ways - for instance, I now have an opinion on the haircut of Wilma McNabb, mother of famous Philadelphia Eagle's quarterback, Donovan McNabb. (I don't like it).
So, campers, call in with your tales of unemployment and television. You'll be on right after the marching band and the woman who sells Moose-related gifts in Montana.
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