I Lurch from the Crypt!

He-ll-o, camperrsssssssssss.....
Stefush Has Risen From the Dead. Well, actually, he's been scrambling like an addled desert hyena for housing and employment, but you know. I could Rise from the Dead if I really wanted to. I just don't want to - so there.
But in all seriousness, the last several weeks have been madness. Constant stress, endless mileage on the car for apartment hunting, and just recently a reprieve from the job hunt due to a semi-long term temp assignment in downtown Seattle working as a proofreader for an engineering firm.
It all ends (begins) on July 12th or sooner. This is D-Day for our current lease, and current living situation. Meaning Wifey and I. Now known as X-Wifey. A name suitable for the villainry of Marvel Comics to be sure.
Who knows what the future holds? I swing from suicide to elation hourly. A brand new take on my independence and future artistry, or the final mold-ridden snapping sounds of my existential foundation.
The Buddhists are quick to remind me to lean into the spikes of my life, because no one does. We all look for some quick fix to end the torment, rather than sitting with it and acknowledging that life is transient.
Right now, Buddhists, God love ya, but the word transient really isn't feeling like a welcome mat for personal growth right about now.
But still, for anyone still scouring the remainder bins and back aisles of their local Fishwrappery for quality prose at half-price, I'm still here. Still able to write. Still able to communicate to the hidden and huddled e-masses yearning to breathe free.
More news as it happens. Until then, I remain, your Stefush.*
*Call 1-800-We Want Stefush to see how you too can become a
Your Stefush(tm) Franchise-Owner. For a nominal monthly fee, you can have your very own Stefush or Stefush-proxy delivered to your home for the delight and amazement of those you love. Call now! The first 100 callers will receive a complimentary totebag with the Official Licensed Likeness of Stefush!